Red Light Cameras Cause Accidents

Media across Toronto today are reporting that red-light cameras save lives but result in more crashes as drivers slam on their brakes at camera intersections to avoid tickets, causing chain-reaction crashes from behind.

Funny, I've never seen a Red Light Camera operate a vehicle. Seems to me its the same people who rear end others whenever it rains or snows or the drivers are otherwise engaged talking on their phones, working their palm-pilot, putting on make-up, eating a Big Mac.

Red Light cameras don't cause accidents. Inattentive drivers who are carelessly operating their motorized "two tons of steel" cause accidents.

Sorry, but I ride a motorcycle, and a rear end collision can kill, maim or hospitalize someone in the blink of an eye.

Slow down. It burns less gas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very enlightening father. Next time I shall try to rip myself away from Edward Cullen (still waiting for that post) and see if what you say is true. which it probably is.